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155 килолы кыз модель булган

Фотодагы кызның буе 165 см.

155 килолы кыз модель булган
32 яшьлек Тесс Холлидей исемле кыз дөньяда иң симез модель дип исәпләнә. Бу турыда РЕН ТВ хәбәр итте.

165 см озынлыктагы бу кыз 155 килограмм авырлыкта. Мондый үлчәмнәр аңа карьера төзергә комачауламаган, диелгән бу хәбәрдә.

We’re thrilled to share our first ever digital cover, featuring model, author, and fat-positivity activist Tess Holliday (@tessholliday). From editor-in-chief @carolynkylstra’s editor’s letter: “Holliday identifies as a fat woman; we chose to give her a platform because she has insightful things to say about thriving in a world that devalues bodies of size. We also chose to feature her because size representation is necessary, especially for a national health media brand that can help guide the conversation about what it means to be healthy and how to make health accessible. You don’t know how healthy or unhealthy a person is just by looking at them, you don’t know what their health goals and priorities are, and you don’t know what they’ve already done or are planning to do for their health going forward. And moreover, you should know that concern trolling—using a person’s perceived health to justify making them feel bad about themselves—isn’t just counterproductive, it’s abusive.” Tap the link in bio to read the rest of the letter. — Photographer: @catherineservel, Wardrobe Styling: @marpeidro, Hair: @christianmarc at @forwardartists using @randco, Makeup: @kristinhilton at @thewallgroup, Manicure: @nailsbyemikudo at @opusbeauty | #TeamSELF

Публикация от SELF (@selfmagazine)

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